Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Hari ibu

Hari Ibu yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 22 Desember di Indonesia, disambut meriah oleh para Netizen. Semua berlomba-lomba membuat status tentang hari Ibu di media sosial. Dari mulai hanya sekedar kata-kata biasa, hingga kata-kata mutiara bahkan puisi. Namun karena ini blog cerita lucu, mari kita sambut hari ibu ini dengan sedikit humor.


1. Ibu yg mengandung kita.

2. Ibu mertua kita.

3. Ibu dari anak2 kita.

4. Ibu Guru kita.

Dan yg terakhir adalah ...

5. IBU JARI kita / JEMPOL .... Karena tanpanya diri kita akan sulit untuk :
- Line
- WhatsApp
- Upload foto ke group
- memberi komen di group
- Ganti DP & ganti status ...������

Happy Mother's Day

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

My Secret Alias

Hi I’m Jack Banner. I’m a secret agent, but I’m here on vacation. Guess what happened to me. I almost forget my identity.
I arrived at the airport in the afternoon. The flight was not really good. So I only had a little sleep. Nobody picked me up, so I took a taxi to the hotel. I asked the driver to take me to the hotel my agent had reserved.
At the hotel I went directly to the receptionist desk. I told her that I had reserved a room. After a minute she looked at me and said that nobody had reserved under Jack Baner. And the hotel was full. I thought there was something wrong. But what could I do?
Then I went to a public phone. I called my travel agent back at my country and told about my problem. I was surprised to know that the problem was so simple. They reserved a room at this hotel under Johny Goodbye, my alias. I am a secret agent, remember?
I was so embarrassed. I shouldn’t have forgotten my alias.

A foolish order

I was working in a photo store, which specializes in restoring old photographs.
One day, a lady brought an old picture of a man sitting behind a cow milk, milking it.
“Can you fix this picture for me?” she asked.
“Sure, what would you like us to do?”
“Can you move the cow?”
I stared at her astonishingly and replied, “Move the cow?”
“Right. I want to know what my great-grandfather looked like. That’s him.” she pointed to the feet sticking out under the cow.
“I don’t think we can do that.”
“Just move the cow over, and we’ll be able to see his face.” She insisted.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have the technology to do that.”
“Well, I think I’ll just take this somewhere else.”


On the bus, I saw an ugly girl got on the crowded bus. A young boy got up from his seat. Before he said some words, the girl pushed him gently back into his seat. She said, “Thank you, but I really prefer to stand.”
The young boy stood up again. She shoved him down again and said she wanted to stand.
The third time he stood, he shouted, “Please let me off. I’ve already passed my stop.”
That ugly girl realized her mistakes. She was rather ashamed. I could see the red face of the girl. She smiled embarrassedly.

Saturday Night

In lovely day, there are a couple that want to spent a time in satnite party in some place, they were in girl’s house. The man plan to picked her girlfriend up to the romantic place.
Girl: Baby, sweety, where we want to hang out to tonight?
Man: Wherever you wants!
Girl: Really? In a fancy restaurants, with a romantic place near beach?
Man;Yeah, sure!

Girl:Really? Oh sweaty, will you pay it all?
Man; Of course, but by your own.. (he smiles)
Girl: -.-

Dedi’s Heroic Actions

In a mental hospital, there are two patients named Didi and Dedi. They both were playing the water in a swimming pool of the mental hospital. Suddenly Didi who could not swim drowned and sank into the pool. Dedi who saw the incident immediately swam to save him.
The head of mental hospital heard about the heroic actions that have been done by Dedi to save Didi. The head of mental hospital called Dedi to see him at the office. “you are very brave Dedi and I think you have recovered from your illness and return to normal” he said.  Dedi just nodded her head. “But there is bad news. I have to tell that your friends you’ve saved was died. He hanged himself in the backyard” The head of mental hospital added. “He should thank to me because I was the man who hung him in the backyard so that he became dry. Because he was wet from falling out of the pool” said Dedi. The head of mental hospital shocked and fainted after hearing Dedi’s answers.

A Poor Man in The Bar

When I was having lunch at the bar near terminal, suddenly there was an old man crying. I came over to his table and asked “sorry sir, why are you crying?” “I have a wife at home, but she always wakes me up when I sleep in the morning and makes me breakfast every day.” He said.
Then I continued to ask “then why are you crying?” He replied that his wife always made soup for lunch and a cup of hot coffee for him in the afternoon.
With a little annoyed I asked him back “Then what is wrong with all of that, sir?” The old man replied that his wife always made his favorite dishes for dinner and always sang a song until he fell asleep.
With a high tone I asked “then what is the problem? you should be grateful to have a good wife as yours!” “I do not remember where my house is” he replied. I couldn’t say anything.