Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

An Owl

As the story, there is an OWL who traveled far to move to another forest.
In this long journey, he meets a bird turtledoves. The Turtledoves amazed to see an OWL that was so hastily. He Said, “Hi, Owl! Where do you want to? “
OWL spun for a moment in the air, and then replied, “Aiih! Too difficult to get along with the neighbors. You do you know, I have the talent to sing, if night comes, I really like humming. But, well … it looks like all of them do not like to hear my voice. What can be made? Better I leave this place and moved to another forest! “
Hearing this, it said, “the Owl, you kan have lived here for tens of years. All the neighbors left and right have known you. Why you should move to a foreign place..? “
It continued, “according to me, you better change Your singing voice tone a little. The neighbors will surely love it. If not so, everywhere you go, just the same. You will still be disliked. “
Hear interviews with shame, turtledoves birds Owls bowed his head. Before long, he was seen flying back toward his home in the old forest.
Marvelous companions,
If you often experience disputes with people around or feel colleagues/friends often complicate yourself, you should try correcting yourself instead of always blaming others.
If we always throw all the blame on the surrounding environment and do not want to think about yourself, then it is the same case with the OWL. Wherever we go, there will never be liked
Hopefully can be an inspiration
Warm greetings!

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