Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Respect Everyone!

One day, there was a poor man who comes to a best-selling ice cream shop in town. He wanted to buy one cup of ice cream, flavors with honey, that was the most delicious ice cream among others.
When he had passed the queue, the waiter at the ice cream shop asked him out loudly and arrogantly, “What do you want to buy ?, if you do not bring the money, it’s better to go!”
The man replied, “I want to buy an ice cream flavored with honey, how much does it cost?”
The waiter replied, “Rp. 50,000”
The man took the money in his pocket, then calculate coins he had. He had money of Rp. 51,000.
The waiter could not wait and returned said harshly, “hurry up, there are a lot of people waiting!”
The man was surprised and asked, “How much is plain ice cream?”
The waiter replied impatiently, “Rp. 35.000, hey hurry up!”
The poor man then counted the money and he finally chose a plain ice cream than honey ice cream. After paying the ice cream to the cashier, he immediately went.
In the afternoon, when the waitress was clearing the table, the cashier approached him and gave the money, Rp. 15,000. The cashier said that it was the tip given by the poor man to the waiter.
The waiter was only being quiet and cried

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